Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Wolf Man(John)

I can sum this The Wolf Man up in one sentence. It's very much a movie you might see on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

And that's pretty much what my buddies and I did throughout the entire movie. There were perfect campy moments where you could not help but add a little quip to what the character was doing or saying. This was not a terrible movie by any stretch. But there were things about it that couldn't hold my interest without making fun of the movie.

The first thing was the campy-ness. I knew the movie was going to be campy before we even started watching it. But it seemed like everyone knew the entire legend surrounding werewolves. And, what woman in her right mind would go out with a guy that blatantly told her he was spying on her with his telescope....C'mon. The acting was pretty over done with flailing motions and weird faces. And, I know this was probably a low budget film, but the town the film was shot in apparently had a population of maybe 15. And there were no kids to be seen at all. I guess they were smart enough to get out of Dodge before the werewolf came.

I liked the special effects. They were rudimentary, but they got the idea across. And Lon Chaney's werewolf mask was pretty awesome. And, while the fog effects were a little too much, it created a very ominous feeling that set the mood pretty well.

I would recommend this movie be seen with a group of friends. It's definitely a movie that can be enjoyed while making fun of it. If I had watched it by myself, I don't think it would have been enjoyable. I probably would've fallen asleep.

I'm giving it a 4 out of 10.

- John Murphy

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