Friday, April 24, 2009

The Wolf Man (Matt)

This is a classic example of an old film that can't hold my interest. I mentioned this in my last review (Freaks). I watched this film and honestly I was just bored. If I wasn't watching it for the reason of writing this review, I would have turned it off halfway through. The story felt slow, and that is a little crazy if you consider the entire film was only 1 hour and 9 minutes long.

That said, the movie wasn't all bad, there were a few things that I liked. The first being the sets, which I thought were fabulous. You just don't get scenery like this anymore. The black and white film did a great job of bringing over the creepy atmosphere that the film was trying to create. There was lots of fog and lots of dark. The forest was obviously filmed on a set, but I liked the effect it gave. There weren't many trees but the ones that were there were all creepy. The castle was also quite stunning. The furniture inside it was just amazing to look at. Everything was very ornate and luxurious looking.

Another piece of this film that I enjoyed was the actress that played Gwen, Evelyn Ankers. She was a doll in this film. She made the movie much easier to watch.

Overall there was a lot about this movie that I didn't like. It wasn't paced well, the acting wasn't that great, and the story was not exactly what I would label top shelf. I'll give this film 3 hairy Lon Chaney Jr.'s out of 10.


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