Monday, October 19, 2009

Blazing Saddles (Matt)

I've seen this movie a great many times over the course of my life and now that I sit down to try and write a review for it I find myself struggling for the words necessary to describe how I feel about it. I mean, it's Blazing Saddles for goodness sakes. One of Mel Brook's finest movies, and that is saying something. I guess I'll just take it in pieces.

Lets start with the story. It's creative and entertaining to say the least. The town of Rock Ridge is being attacked by outlaws, and they have to either fight back or run away. They decide to fight back and ask the governor for a sheriff. The governor's aid, who really is running things, decides to send them a black sheriff, which to that town was offensive. Hilarity ensues. Every time I watch this film I am blown away at how brave Mel Brooks had to be to make this movie. White people are on screen calling black people niggers. That is about as offensive as it gets folks, and not only does Mel pull it off, he makes it funny and totally non-offensive. In a way he turns the tables on the citizens of Rock Ridge, as they wind up looking like idots while Bart, the sheriff, comes out smelling like a rose. This is pure genius writing in my opinion. The movie makes a very strong statement against racism and it did it at a time when racial tension was high. This movie truly is a work of art.

How about the comedy. I've seen this move over twenty times and I still laugh every time I watch it. That's fairly outstanding if you think about it. I still laugh at the same jokes. The comedy stands up as well today as it did when it was created.

The acting is over the top, but that's what I would expect from a movie like this. The characters are large. Cleavon Little and Gene Wilder compliment each other perfectly. They have a good chemistry on screen and it really shines as you watch the two acting together. Mel has his many cameos as per the norm, and they are always a delight to see.

This movie is, in my opinion, one of the greatest films ever made. It takes a very tense subject and presents it in a manner that is both hilarious and thought provoking. It still blows my mind that Mel Brooks had the balls to create this movie when he did. He is a man to be admired and praised.

I give this movie 10 whimsical hangmen out of 10.

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