Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Maltese Falcon(John)

This movie was surprisingly good. The Maltese Falcon came out in that 1940s so I was expecting a campy tale about a woman in distress and the man who was going to take care of it. Instead, I was treated with a very enjoyable story with little to no campy-ness.

The acting was good overall. Humphrey Bogart was definitely the shining star in this film. He gave a stellar performance as Sam Spade. A lot of the things he did in this film reminds me of Batman. Spade always seemed to be planned for any eventuality. The scene where he seems to get mad at the Fatman and storms out only to walk away smiling was really awesome. Peter Lorre was another memorable character to me. A lot of this was from watching Looney Toons as a kid. Lorre has a very unmistakable face and voice.

There were limited set pieces in this movie. I believe there were only a handful of different settings throughout the entire film. Of course, I understand that this movie was made 70 years ago so I wasn't too bothered by it. The combination of black and white film mixed with the Noir story were very enjoyable.

The music was pretty good. I wasn't moved by it but I also didn't hate it. It fit well with the story that was being told and nothing that I heard took me out of the story.

Overall, I'd have to say I was surprised that I liked this one even though I enjoy most noir films that i've seen. The acting was good and the movie kept me entertained throughout. I'll give it a 7 out of 10.

- John Murphy

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