Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Maltese Falcon (Matt)

I was excited going into this movie. I watched the trailer and it looked mysterious and fun.

I was let down however when we started watching it. The movie started strong, I was into it and really enjoying the mood that the old film created, however by the end I had dozed off several times. This could be due to the fact that I was really full of homemade tamales, but even so if it was interesting enough I would not have been falling asleep.

The characters in the movie were the biggest selling point, and they were the reason for most of the interest that the movie got from me. I loved watching all the characters interact. They all had their own motives, and all of them had somewhat exaggerated personalities.

The story just wasn't interesting enough to keep me entertained. I tried, but I failed. It makes me sad too because I wanted very much to enjoy this movie. Alas I have to face facts though, I just wasn't all that into it. I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it either.

4 fat men out of 10

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