Friday, February 19, 2010

The Big Red One (Matt)

This movie interested me primarily because the director, Samuel Fuller, was actually a member of the Big Red One during World War 2. Many of the events that occur in this film were actually experienced by him, and being able to see a direct translation of the experience of war to the screen by someone who actually lived it is an opportunity that I did not wish to pass up.

That said I wasn't a great fan of this film.

I had a difficult time connecting with this film. I was not able to follow the story very well, I didn't care about the characters like I felt I should, and I spent the majority of the time watching it wondering exactly what was going on.

The acting wasn't that bad. It's nothing to write home about, but it's not bad. The action was solid. The sets were well done. I think if I have to blame a single element of this film for my disconnection, it would have to be the storytelling. There is just too much going on. This is likely not entirely the fault of the director, as apparently his original film was cut down by an hour or so, but coming from a time where long stories are told in episodic movies, I can't help but feel that this movie should have been a series of several movies and not one long disjointed mess. If the story had guided us through a single event I would be saying something very different, but as it was I just didn't like it.

The movie isn't all bad though. The acting wasn't horrible, and Lee Marvin was actually pretty great. He was easily my favorite character of the movie. His acting captured the spirit of the sergeant, and I found myself seeing him as I believe the other characters in the movie did. He carried an aura of authority and knowing that could have only been portrayed through good acting.

The sets were also well done. I'm not sure where the movie was filmed but I never once doubted I was in Europe during WW2. The crumbling towns, the Italian landscapes, the concentration camp, all were a visual delight to see. It was like being transported through time, and definitely deserves a mention.

I guess I'll give this 3 cold butts out of 10.


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