Monday, November 9, 2009

The Royal Tenenbaums(Matt)

I went into this movie expecting to not like it. I tried to watch this movie some years ago when I was quite a bit younger and I turned it off. I was bored and not interested and I quickly dispatched it to go watch Terminator 2 or something else a bit more exciting.

This time around was different however. Once the story started I found myself immersed into the lives of this strange family and their friends. I began to care for the characters, regardless of their quirks, and in some degree I was even able to relate to them and understand them.

The acting was great. The cast is made up of many famous actors. This tends to be a negative in my mind usually, as I can be taken out of the story by the pull of these huge actors. I'll start thinking of past roles that I've seen them in and such. That never happened here outside of the first appearance of each of the characters. That's quite a statement for acting.

Despite the great acting, I think that strength of the story is the movie's biggest selling point. I can say that with confidence despite my first paragraph up there. I was pulled into the story, I found myself cheering for characters and hoping for everything to work out. I was interested from the very beginning of the story and I stayed there until the end.

This movie was a complete suprise for me. I had heard others talk about how much they liked this movie but I had dismissed it as just them being sort of elitist about their movie watching. I now can say honestly that this movie is a good one, and that I was being judgmental. I was wrong.

7 masked dudes on four-wheelers out of 10.

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