Thursday, December 10, 2009

Easy Rider(John)

This movie is definitely of its time. Watching this movie today, you really have to get into the mindset of the culture of the "hippie" in order to enjoy this film. But, I believe I succeeded in doing just that, and I think this movie has a lot of positives.

First and foremost, the acting in this film is top notch. We are treated to the acting chops of three powerhouse actors: Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson. Peter Fonda plays the silent, brooding character. Dennis Hopper is the drug addicted wise cracker. And Jack Nicholson plays the alcoholic lawyer who tags along for part of the movie. This was literally Nicholson's first role and he did not disappoint. Honestly, I was not enjoying the movie until he shows up.

The story is just so-so. Two hippies trying to get to Mardi-Gras. That's the basic premise. Where the movie gets interesting are the events that happen during their travels and the people they meet. I will remember portions of this movie probably for the rest of my life. The reason for this film was to make people aware of some of the hate-crimes that took place against people that wanted total freedom. Jack Nicholson put it perfectly in the film: "Those people like to think about freedom. But, you guys really have it. And that's what scares them".

The music was awesome. Being made in the 70s, this film has a lot of classic rock songs that get you into the spirit of the cross country, freedom fighting hippie. I don't think there was any other music other than the rock songs during the biking scenes. But, there really was no need for anything else.

I would have to say this movie is a must watch. I would advise everyone to try and think about being a hippie while watching this movie. Otherwise, it may actually be a disappointing movie. The plot is minimal, there are no huge special effects and other than the rock music insertions, there is no score. But I think everyone who watches will remember two specific scenes that will solidify the reason for the entire film.

I have to give the film a 8 out of 10. Probably if it wasn't so influential, the score would be lower.

- John Murphy

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