Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ghostbusters (Matt)

Ok well here we go. Ghostbusters. This movie is one of the reasons that I love movies today. In fact, this was the very first movie that I ever saw in a movie theater (is that weird?). My home town at one time had an old movie theater. It was closed before I was born, however one night when I was somewhere between 3 and 5 years old it opened for a single night to show... Ghostbusters. I vaguely remember screaming in terror at the librarian ghost in the opening scene. Ahh the memories...

So anyway back to the movie. This movie is gold. I love every minute of it. This is one of a very few movies that I never get tired of watching. It's anybody's guess how many times I've seen it and every time I enjoy it. That really says something about the quality of a movie, although to be fair nostalgia most likely has a hand in that.

The comedy/action mix is what keeps me coming back for more. They pace the movie perfectly, giving us plenty of both in ample amounts. Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd and just flawless. The way they carry theirselves on the screen just makes their characters become alive. Try and imagine any other actor as either of these two characters, it just doesn't work. They OWN these characters, and I'm glad they do.

Something else I want to mention is the special effects. These ghost effects still hold up today. That really is amazing. Think about the advancements that the movie industry has had in terms of special effects since that movie was made. The ghosts weren't made with computers, they were done the old fashioned way, and they look spectatular. They still look spectacular. That's pretty neat dang it.

10 scary librarian ghosts out of 10


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